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Nico and Pancho #37 Time to Le...
"Jemu. We need to be getting this cruiser back to the rental place on Niyo in a while", Samia called out in their native Niyon language to Jumu. Jemu replied in Niyon, "You're right, Honey. The late fees are not cheap". "Pancho and I can't understand you", said Nico. Samia told Nico, "We're renting this cruiser. And it's getting time to bring it back". "What's wrong with it?" asked Nico. "It seems like it runs OK to ...
Nico and Pancho #36 Kassa Find...
Ksaas found a banana difficult to bite into at first. Nico told him you have to peel a banana before you can eat it. There are things even highly advanced beings can learn from animals.
Nico and Pancho #35 Gratuity
To show their appreciation, Nico and Pancho bought back some of the fruit they've collected.
Nico and Pancho #34 Waiting
Nico asked Jemu to wait up a bit, that they had something for them. Jemu said they'll wait.
Nico and Pancho #33 Back Home
Jemu brings Nico and Pancho back to their home.
Nico and Pancho #32 Look Back ...
Everyone has a good laugh on those jet pilots. Samia tells everyone, "You know we all have God to thank for our family and guests being safe from harm". And she didn't say it in Niyon either. It was also meant for Nico and Pancho to hear and understand. Jemu said, "The fact we were almost shot out of the sky without provocation shows what is to be expected from a spiritually dead civilization".
Nico and Pancho #31 Out of Dan...
Everyone is safe now. Pancho asks if they'll ever see those jets again. Kassa assures Pancho that the jets are 2,000 miles behind already.
Nico and Pancho # 30 Burning a...
The cruiser makes a burnt air trail from the high speed it is traveling.
Nico and Pancho #29
As the cruiser leaves the jets behind, all the pilots see are the fire trails from the cruiser's motors. And they hear a series of supersonic booms echoing off of the mountains. And 17-C no sooner got the words out of his mouth, "Target locked on". He was now saying, WOW! IT'S GONE! I didn't think anything can go that fast".
Nico and Pancho #28 Zooming Aw...
Jemu bumped the speed control up a little, and the cruiser shot across the sky like lightning.
Nico and Pancho #27 Out of Her...
Over the radio came, "Base to 17-C. Permission granted. 10-C. Clear away from the UFO. Over". "OK. We're out of here", Jemu told everyone.
Nico and Pancho #26
"I didn't like the sound of that", said Jemu. Samia told Jemu, "We need to get out of here before we end up in a place like Area 51 or something". Even though Samia was speaking to Jemu in Niyon, Nico and Pancho had an idea of what she was talking about, from her voice tone and the way she said it. "What's going on?" Nico asked. "They want to fire on our cruiser", said Kassa. "A fire won't stay on while we're flying, will it?"...
Nico and Pancho #25 First Look...
Nico and Pancho had never seen a Jet pilot before. "LOOK WHAT'S FLYING THAT JET!" shouted Pancho. "IT HAS A SHELL FOR A HEAD!". "AND IT'S GOT BIG SHINY BUG EYES AND AN ELEPHANT NOSE!", shouted Nico. Then over the radio came, "Base to all air units. Why are we hearing animal sounds over the radio!?" "AND IT HAS AN ORANGE BODY!", shouted Pancho. "AND IT HAS ONLY ONE EAR...WITH A STICK STUCK IN IT!", shouted Nico. "17-C to B...
Nico and Pancho #24 Air Base
"WHAT?!...BASE TO 10-C, YOU'VE BEEN FLYING TOO LONG, GRUMWALL!", the tower officer radioed back. "17-C to base", the other jet pilot radioed. "I'm seeing the same thing, Sir. Over". "10-C to Base. Requesting permission to go in for closer look. Over", replied 10-C's pilot. The tower officer radioed back, "Base to 10-C. Permission granted. Exercise caution. We don't know what this thing is or what it could do. Over". Then over...
Nico and Pancho #23 Jets Pull ...
Jemu had Kassa find the air base's frequency on the cruiser's radio while Jemu piloted the cruiser. One of the jet pilots reported, "10-C to Base. I am beside the UFO...There appears to be a....Meerkat, and other beings aboard the UFO. Over".
Nico and Pancho #22 Flying Ove...
Samia mentioned to Jemu, "We better not cruise over this city too long, Jemu. Those inhabitants will get UFO fright". "Mom, I think they already got UFO fright", Sassa said. "There are now two jets after us".
Nico and Pancho #21 Re-Entry
Jemu decided to make re-entry over Nairobi, Kenya. After all, it was only approximately 2,000 miles from Nico and Pancho's home...Just a trip around the block for an interstellar cruiser. Pancho commented on how he thought a meerkat colony was big until he saw Nairobi from the air.
Nico and Pancho #20 Light Wave...
Jumu is the fun loving, playful type, who likes to joke around. Jemu leaned over to Samia and whispered in Niyon, their native language, so Nico and Pancho could not understand him, saying, "Oanche, yuldve eid chartah Nico Pancho". It was, "Honey, watch me mess with Nico and Pancho". Samia smiled and chuckled as Jemu sped the cruiser about half way to warp one, causing it to appear that the stars were changing colors. "THE STARS WENT CRAZY!", Nico shouted as Jemu an...
Nico and Pancho #19 What Are t...
Pancho pointed out that the stars were still not close enough to be identified as lightning bugs. "Lightning bugs?" chuckled Nico. "Everyone knows stars are tiny holes in the night sky so the sun can still shine through a little bit. My mom told me that". "No they're not", Pancho insisted. "When I was little, an uncle of mine told me the stars are lightning bugs that got stuck onto the sky. And my uncle knows just about everything". About now, Kassa a...
Nico and Pancho #18 Into the C...
"Nico, Pancho, You can now tell your other animal friends you've been into space", Jemu said. "Don't know if they'd believe us", Nico replied. Then Nico asked, "How fast will this plane go?" as sister Sassa and brother Tito giggled. "It's not a plane" Kassa corrected Nico. "It's an interstellar cruiser. There's a difference. Dad had it up to warp 27,000 on our way here". "Warp?", Nico questioned. "Each...
Showing results 1021 - 1040 of 4960.<< < 1 ... 46 47 48 49 50 51  52  53 54 55 56 ... 248 > >> 
[Y] Statistics
464 Male Solo 731 Female Solo 387 Gay 144 Lesbian 531 Straight 266 Other 2436 N/A 464 Male Solo 731 Female Solo 387 Gay 144 Lesbian 531 Straight 266 Other 2436 N/A 2087 G 361 PG 346 14A 1104 18A 1061 R 2087 G 361 PG 346 14A 1104 18A 1061 R