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Bonnie Sketch
Considering it was easter i thought i would draw a bunny? haha
Luna, The Night Maiden
Luna, the night maiden when the full moon is glistening out in the dark cloud sky, she howls a beautiful melody. she is known to possess one of the Lotus Tribes sacred artifacts, The Sword Of The Black Lotus" sketched by me :D
Laffin' Fox -At the Tavern...
So i've been on YTK for a while, and I decided to draw me on the main Ychat channel... Note the Leinenkugel's Red Lager, and strawberry Twizzlers... long story. Enjoy! ;3 -LF
Worst in show
meet Anupis the Ibizan hound
off duty
Yeah...messed up lol
Somethin' Silly
(c) Base found at Deviantart.com // Suzaku belongs to my rl gf // Ryoko belongs to me
Happy V-Day 2011
(c) Base found at Deviantart.com // Suzaku belongs to my rl gf // Ryoko belongs to me
bestrafe mich
So this is one of my earlier works; still trying to figure out that damned photoshop... Things are most likely off, but overall I don't mind this piece. It could be better, obviously. It's a depiction of Nate, one of my characters, who's kinda gay (bisexual, more or less). He's got a sister, one of my *other* characters, Natalie. They're twins. He likes him some purple undies :3
Sharing the Censoring Blanket
(c) Base found at Deviantart.com // Shadow, Suzaku belong to my rl gf // Fang belongs to FangFox // Jake belongs to Aku-chan of DA // Jimmy Drakenwolf 3rd belongs to werewolf13 // Timber belongs to Timber_Wolf // Ryoko belongs to me
Elephant girl
Random elephant girl I sketched some time back
His Favorite Tsunderes
(c) Base found at Deviantart.com // Darren, Ryoko belong to me // Jake belongs to a friend on DA
Jackie Wants Ryoko
(c) Base found at Deviantart.com // Jackie belongs to Jamsrunsfree // Ryoko belongs to me
Veera posing!
A picture of my main character I drew. So that it's much easier for everyone to visualise her! ;D feedback appreciated!
Helsy - "Do you have a handgun? I invite you to have a shooting competition. The losers will have to submit to me." Somehow, big uncut junk is pretty cute. I have created two versions; with and without arm sleeves. My part of art trade with Helsy. Helsy © furrywolf@Furaffinity
Another speedpaint, but this time painting the old sketches. This probably my first fanart featuring her. :) Mineko © katsuke@Furaffinity
Pokemon Pack - Arcanine
"Arcanine - Want to have a striptease session...with me?" Final Pokemon has been captured. XD
Valerie - A bit to Horny
This is my character Valerie. She is at a concert for another character of mine Cyrus. She is obsessed with Cyrus, obnoxiously horny by nature, and in heat. So you can understand why she's having issues keeping her panties on and her legs together. - Sorry i am not to experienced with photoshop, this is only my second try ever =[ My girlfriend gives me lots of tips, so I think I did pretty good!
BF_Cottonlop Robbed 2
"No Boss, I don't know where Cottonlop is. It's not like her to be so late for work ... yes, I called her house, but there's no answer ... " So why is it that one of the options never brought up is that she's still at home, in the hands of a burglar, bound and gagged with the phone line cut? Finally I inked and colored the pic of Cottonlop robbed at home, bound to one of her own chairs, and gagged with one -- at least one -- of her own scarves. Serves her righ...
Cloudy Threesome
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