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Bedroom Eyes
Another image of the Toothcat, this time clothed...Albeit only halfway. Yet another commission received from Fluffball on FA.
"I've been waiting for you..."
A more recent image of Qaja, having waited patiently for his lover to come home. Another one of my many commissions from Fluffball on FA.
RoHas der Verfall uncolored
The uncolored WIP of my commission from Nolfwa. Its his main character RoHas Der Verfall
Translation: -Either you take the four or you just watch. There is no other choice.
Fates of the Unicorns - Cover
The title page for my "Fates of the Unicorns" story series. The picture may not be adult, but the story certainly is!
personaly i´m a fan of Duke Nukem, no for the damn "heroe" more than all i´m a fan of the enemies, i like very much the character like Enforcer, Stomp Troopers, i drew Enforcer my favorite enemy of all, unfortunly Enforcer just appear in the game Duke Nukem 3D is the 3rd. game of this bored heroe, the weapon is invention of mine :lol: because the weapon of Enforcer was so very poor and borred (an normal machine gun), i hope you like and DIE DUKE NUKEM DIE!!!!. The Armor, nuclear gun...
The delirium of Guilmon
Guilmon (c) digimon art (c) Miquiztli Ichsak
The back side of
Flamedramon (c) Digimon art (c) Miquiztli Ichsak
Watch up
Sandslash (c) Pokemon art (c) Miquiztli Ichsak
Yiff Snarf for 10 dollars
Somebody wanna enjoy playing with Snarf? art (c) Miquiztli Ichsak
Lola walked in the camp and hear about strange sounds, follow the sound and to find 2 drafts mammals doing like their do in discovery channel (ppffffffff-hahahahahahaha), well he caught ma 2 babies (Miquiztli and Lydokaina) rutting and breading, Lola cannot contain herself, but she know and heard that if Miquiztli is disturbing in middle of the mating, can be really dangerous, Lola is exited by the climax moment Miquiztli Ichsak and Lydokaina © Dralam Lola Bunny © Warner Bros.
Vast rolling
Vast (the Miquiztli wife) love to roll in the arena Vast (c) Sandragon Art (c) Miquiztli Ichsak
I love eggs for the morning
One of my furst pic that i did in my loveli iPad. :] Ilhuicatl and Vigilante (c) Sandragon and Miquiztli Ichsak
Miquiztli vs Tauros
2 big buffy ferals in a "friendly" combat, C'MON MIQ, YOU CAN!!!
Feral protector
One of my 3 "sonas" Miquiztli Ichsak
Nico and Pancho #4 Hello
"Hi there", Nico and Pancho heard a voice call out. They turned and saw someone they've never seen before. He was also unlike anyone they've ever seen before. Nico climbed down from the banana tree, and Pancho set the fruit bag down to go over and get aquainted. "We've never seen you here before. I'm Nico. And this is my friend Pancho", Nico told the stranger. Pancho nodded to him and said, "Hi". "I'm Kassa. Happy to meet you",
(c) Base found on Deviantart // MLP belongs to Lauren Faust & Hasbro // SpeckledTrap (Ryo) belongs to me
EHH Redwall
When the Redwall Shift happened, a ferret and a squirrel were caught in the wave of change. They found all sorts of ideas and concepts bubbling up in their minds, and medieval clothing appearing on their bodies, and weapons materializing nearby. Livestream commission. This is from a 1 hour session.
Dragon's New Slaves
A mere two weeks after his release from the facility, Kaa has begun to take on a more traditional dragon-like role. He found the girl, Elisa, wandering through the woods one day and decided that he could use her to capture more prey. She serves as princess, as the damsel-in-distress. She is constantly under his hypnotic gaze and will only be released when she is no longer useful. While under his spell, she lures others to follow her out into the forest where they won't be seen. Then Kaa tak...
Mother Flygon
This is my yet-to-be-named Flygon character~ She can be very motherly, especially towards those she likes or young children, but isn't above thwacking them with the frying pan she keeps in her tail if they try to snatch food before she's finished with it. Also, this was my first attempt at drawing with a tablet that I obtained, so I hope it turned out decently. -doesn't wanna be thwacked with frying pan- T.T
Showing results 41 - 60 of 141.< 1 2  3  4 5 6 7 8 > >>