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Showing results 1 - 20 of 22. 1  2 > 
Ryan and friends!
This fantastic picture was commissioned by my bro, Kirito-the-pony on DA (On the right in the picture) of me, and his chara Kirito, and our best friend Kody! (On the left of me) This picture was drawn up by http://xx-umbraaeternam-xx.deviantart.com/ over on DA!
Badu Linsang Wants a Hug
Badu became a bit "extended" (hint hint) during the photo session with Erotic Furry Magazine. But Badu is behaving himself here.
Mother Flygon
This is my yet-to-be-named Flygon character~ She can be very motherly, especially towards those she likes or young children, but isn't above thwacking them with the frying pan she keeps in her tail if they try to snatch food before she's finished with it. Also, this was my first attempt at drawing with a tablet that I obtained, so I hope it turned out decently. -doesn't wanna be thwacked with frying pan- T.T
Curse of Ninetales
Ninetales is one of my favorite Pokemon not only because of its awesome appearance, but also for the interesting lore surrounding it. Legends say that whoever touches one of its tails will receive a thousand-year curse. The unfortunate fellows in this picture decided to put that legend to the test, and will soon face the consequences. She's already caught one of them and the other one won't be going anywhere thanks to some psychic abilities. They're only a quick Hypnosis away ...
Charlie and Ayana
Hypa and charlie
This was by me for Hypa.
like my work, find me on FA or DA username: yiharbin
Little TOO Big
(c) Base found on Deviantart // Bark texture found on Google // Ryoko belongs to me
Jade and tram
simply a sketch to practice putting two characters together and interacting
Request: Purrdy Love
(c) Base found at Deviantart.com // SnowLeo!Ryoko belong to me // Rick belongs to LK65
Showing off
yay i finally got done with inking this, now all i need to do is draw out a background and then later, color it :) hope you all like the new Sarah :)
One Horny and massive Saurian ...
and here is a clean version of me, but now im just romping around acting like godzilla and being silly, and also being careful not to smash any buildings so i dont piss of any of the little Russian people down there. Hello little Russian people's!!!! lol jk jk
Smish, kupo!
She's quite the tease~!
Pregnant Lilliana
This was initially a follow up to the last pic. The reason she considers twins "lucky" is because normally her species is known to carry up to seven offspring at once.
Nidoqueen-sized boobs
Sometimes I just enjoy the simple stuff. Lol. Boobs.
Haru Male Solo Nov11/09 Votes 6 Views 3209 Comments 1
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A request from my boyfriend. ;P Haru's so cute and smexy!
This was drawn by my good friend. You can check out her art at eearii.deviantart.com
Hug Time ~
Just Ziege'n Pandora having a lil hug. First upload here! :)
Yoko Tech
I just wanna...
A little something for chiro
Showing results 1 - 20 of 22. 1  2 >