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The Revenant WIP 2
Angelo the fox? or angelo the human?... Both are one individual- a single mind controlling two "interchangeable" physical bodies... Both are the Revenant. This manifestation of self contained psychokinetic energy is getting more and more interesting, eh? Just wait until th final version... where i'll try to include Revenants "non-physical" form... (which can actually interact physically, but can also defy physics... meh) Enjoy! ;3 -LF
The Revenant WIP 1
This is the mysterious Revenant that has been mentioned increasingly as of late... His name that you may refer to him by (if you don't want to call him revenant, that is) is Angelo. (also, the name Michael Angelo may work as well, but let's just stick with Angelo for now, m'kay?) This is my true fursona... this is the character which I used as the base for the now-recognized Laffin' Fox... Lupo, and Laff's are two representations of different segments of my perso...
Dreaming of Wings
~Savanah~ She is a Caracal if you are curious, another character i use to represent myself and she IS literally my inner kitty. Despite her heritage tho, she is still often refereed to as Mistress Lioness (in my stories i am yet to publish - ill get there one day) Anyhow i was inspired to make this one by something i cant remember (dont ask me what). Now, she "purposely" has only one wing. For two reasons: 1. 2 wings didnt look right 2. I wanted it to look symbolic and not real...
I love your sexy guts
something that I just keeps one of my girls out from sleep X3
Just A Dream
She didn't want to lose him, come to find out it was all just a dream.
Showing results 1 - 5 of 5. 1