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Figured I'd finally put something naughty up here "Am I popular yet?" Lol enjoy
TV Show Not Fit For a Cub #5
Grit Troll and Grimy Troll, as well as Scuzziebug Troll, have no idea where that bottle of flowers came flying in from.
A Mishap at the Sex Magazine S...
This started out as a normal day at Erotic Furry Magazine. A photo session was scheduled to have Badu Linsang show his ...
What The ?
Grit, Grimy and Scuzziebug have no clue where that bottle came from.
Badu #20 Photo Session
Expensive camera ruined. You just don't turn the clock back on something like this and re-do it different. Notice the memorandum on the bulletin board about photographers being responsible for the cameras they sign out? Rachel may see some pay deductions for a long time.
Badu #19 Photo Session
Bang goes the camera. That about finished that camera off.
Badu #14 Photo Session
Rachel goes for a reshot as Badu urgently tells Rachel, "I - REALLY - GOT - TO - PEE - BAD!".
Badu #9 Photo Session
Rachel goes after a "face to face" shot with Badu's penis. About now, Badu has been telling Rachel he has to take time out to use the restroom, but Rachel will not let him take a break to go take care of it. Her photo schedule is more important to her than Badu's present needs.
Badu #6 Photo Session
Rachel Raccoon photographs penis' bottom. At one point, Badu had to tell Rachel she was pushing Badu's nuts with the camera lense.
Badu #4 Photo Session
First photo for the March 2013 issue. A profile shot taken by Rachel Raccoon.
Showing results 1 - 10 of 10. 1