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The History of a Creepy Doctor
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DR. ZANDER ISCELBERG RAT MD, male, born at his parent's lavish, stone built mansion estate in Northeast Egypt, not very far from Al-Minya (you might as well say, born on silk sheets and with everything pawed to him on a silver platter), on April 1st (April fool's day) 1958, age 55, is single.
Zander Rat came from a very wealthy family, born to his dad, Hanan Iscelberg Rat the III, deceased, and his mom, Judith Iscelberg (Rhostin) Rat, age 88. Zander has two older siblings, older brother Hannan Iscelberg Rat the VI, age 62, and older sister Givol Fennbecker (Iscelberg) Rat, age 59.
The Hanan III and Judith Iscelberg Rat family estate is a lavish, majestic, three story, stone mansion in Northeast Egypt, located on 24 acres of waterfront property on the Nile River. The estate also has gardens, vineyards, a tennis court, a hedge maze, a twelve car garage, an eight slip boat house and other amenities. Zander's family has been wealthy for countless generations (the "old money").
When Hanan VI, Judith, and Zander were growing up, they attended a very elite private school, that had a high quality education curriculum, and had grades starting at preschool, and going all the way through 12th. There were also fellow students who were of other species in their school, who's parents were wealthy enough to send them there, but not from as wealthy families as the Rat Family, who were popular because of that.
Early in Zander's school years, He would frequently ask questions to different species of his school mates...Questions that were a bit too personal. They were usually about the anatomy of species other than his own, and what is it like not being circumcised. The answers to those questions were always answered, in so many words, "None of your business". Later in Zander's school years, those questions always got him beat up by the other students, and at times, his parents called to the school to have a talk with the school administrator.
Zander's family didn't care for those ways much either. Especially his older brother Hanan IV, who would get really angry with Zander over it. But Zander was family, and they say blood's thicker than water.
As a teen, Zander seemed like he had no sense of responsibility, and couldn't be relied on for anything. He'd invite friends over to his dad's estate for parties, and leave several rooms of the estate in a major mess, and with things broken, for the house servants to clean up. There was the time, Zander and his friends got into Daddy's wine cellar, got drunk, and made a game of swatting at fish in the Nile River with expensive tennis racquets and ruining them...Oh well, Daddy will buy new ones.
On a few occasions Zander would take a boat out, and when he returned it to the boat house, he did not secure it. One of Daddy's speed boats Zander let drift away was hit by another boat eleven hours later, totaling both boats, during the night, further down the Nile.
When Zander age was 14, summer of 1972, he and some friends took Daddy's yacht out on the Nile without Daddy's permission or knowledge of it. Zander's unruly crew included an assortment of, a male mongoose with blue and green fur dye down his back and tail, wearing lots of gold jewelery, a female jackal with several pierce rings in her ears, lower lip, a male linsang with the fur on top of his head dyed fluorescent pink and a pierce ring in his tongue, also a female rat with a snowflake tattoo on her nose, a male rat with a nose ring and a jingle bell pierced through the end of his tail, and a male fox who had rings pierced down both ears, one in a toe on his left foot, three in his chin, and he had the hair on top his head trained out to be long with it partly hanging in his face and dyed lime green, and wore several long gold necklaces. All these anthro animal youth friends of Zander either lied about their age to get their tattoos and pierces, or knew an artist who was willing to hook them up for a price. The only thing that stopped Zander from getting any of that stuff is that he knew Daddy would beat the shit out of him for it. The fox bought along a bag of weed aboard Daddy Rat's yacht, making him the most popular, for that day, among that crazy crew. Zander and his friends partied hardy out on Daddy Rat's yacht, cruising up and down the Nile and running the yacht stoned and reckless. After everyone had their day of fun in the sun, the stoned, motley crew bought Daddy Rat's yacht back, and Zander did not secure it.
"Ha ha ha...Uhh...Shouldn't you tie it back up?", the fox asked him as he swayed around stoned.
"Nah...Eh...The butler will get it.", Zander replied half stoned.
Twelve days later, Hanan Rat the III's yacht was found adrift in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel, with a quarter bag of dope aboard. Hanan reported it stolen the day it drifted off. And Zander denied to his parents any wrong doing.
Zander also acted like a smart ass jerk toward the estate's domestic hired help, considering them substandard to his family and himself. The rest of the family, however, treated them with decency and respect.
By the time Zander was in his late teens, he had done things to where the family could not trust him around younger family members. At that time, Brother, Hanan IV, was already married, and with a daughter, and Sister, Givol, was pregnant from her husband, Joseph Finnbecker Rat. Out of concern for their little ones, it was made crystal clear to Zander Rat, that he would get every bone in his body broken if he dared to even come anywhere near his nieces and nephews before they became adults. And when Givol's cub was born, it was a male, Joey Finnbecker Rat Jr. Eight days later, Zander Rat was forbidden to attend little Joey junior's circumcision ceremony (a custom observed by the family linage). The entire family attended, but it was off limits to Zander.
Zander had no appreciation for the things his parents would by for him either. When Zander was 16, his dad bought for him a 1971 Plymouth Hemi Barracuda that Zander wanted.* It was a three year old car at the time, and had been seized from it's original owner in a drug raid. It was lime green, with the "billboard" style quarter panel decals, "shaker" style hood scoop, rear spoiler, and it had set of aftermarket blacked out mags. Uncle Louie Rat was a car dealer, and had connections with those who were able to locate one, and get it in from the U.S. Louie Rat had to pull some real strings to make that one happen. Zander didn't have it long before he was racing up and down the highway in competition with his motley friend's cars, showing off and seeing how hard he can push it. One day Zander was out cruising with his green haired fox freind riding along, who bought along a few joints for him and Zander to toke on.
"Heeyy...How do you like it?!", Zander asked as they were cruising along at 100 miles per hour down a stretch of desert highway, both of them half stoned.
"Wow!...Awesome ride! Never seen a cool car like this!", Ferris Fox replied, then taking a toke off of a joint.
"Hu hu...Probably the only car like it in Egypt", said Zander. "My Uncle Louie got it...from the U.S. There's lot's of these kind-a cars over there".
Ferris noticed the speedometer, then told Zander, "Hey...Heeyy, Zander, Your speedometer is waaayyy off, or I'm real stoned. We're going a lot faster than 100 kilometers per hour".
"Hu hu hu hu hu", Zander laughed.
"What's so funny?", Ferris laughed as he passed the joint to Zander.
"Hu hu hu...It's in miles per hour, not kilometers", Zander replied. "My dad told me to be careful with it. Hu hu. He said a speedometer like this can fool you".
"Oh oh oh! Ferris! Get the owner's manual out of the glove compartment and read it". Zander said to Ferris. "Hu hu...It's really loopie".
Ferris did as Zander had told him to do.
"Woaha wow yo hey! How can anyone read THIS?!", retorted Ferris as he, at first, held the manual up side down, until he noticed the pictorial illustrations.
"Hu hu hu hu", Zander laughed, "It's sure not written in Arabic script that WE can read, is it? That's the way they write over in the west".
"Craaazzzy", Ferris replied as he put the manual back away.
"Hey! Ferris! Wana see what this car can do?!" Zander asked exuberantly.
"Go for it", replied Ferris.
Zander downshifted from 4th to 3rd and floored it. The two motley friends were thrilled by the hard acceleration. Then Zander threw it into 4th, barking the tires, as he held the twin, four barrel carburetors wide open.
"Ferris, you ever seen anything this fast before?" Zander asked as he got it up to 160 miles per hour.
"Ha ha ha ha ha...Wow! Awesome!...No I haven't, Zander. This is really cruisin' ", replied Ferris Fox.
"Uhh...Watch what it can really do", said Zander as he continued holding the throttle wide open, trying to wrench every bit of the 427 horse power he could get out of it, the engine buzzing like a chain saw motor, as the speedometer had gone long past it's numbers, going on to where 170 would be.
"Heyo. Uhh. Zander, I 'm not too stoned to see you're red lining this thing. You're gona blow it up", Ferris told Zander.
"It's OK, Ferris. I know what this car can do", Zander replied.
BOOM went the engine, blowing apart at 170 miles per hour, and locking up so hard, the transmission shattered. Gears, synchronizer parts and chunks of transmission casing went tumbling down the road, and the drive shaft tore loose and flew out from under the car. Oil smoke trailed behind like the contrail of a rocket.
"Woah! What the Fuck! Like...End of ride!", Ferris Fox exclaimed, with a smoking joint still hanging out of his mouth, as Zander's car began it's coast from 170 down to 0.
Zander could only say, "Huuuhhh?" as he was still steering the coasting disabled car.
"I told you, Zander. You were gona blow it up", Ferris reminded him after the car stopped, and as the two of them, sharing their last joint, began their long walk to anything resembling civilization,
A few weeks later, Uncle Louie found a 1970 BMW 2800 at a dealer auction.* Louie Rat heard about Zander blowing up his Hemi Barracuda, so Louie bid on the BMW and got it for Zander. It was a 2nd owner repo, in pristine condition, cream color with leather seats. Zander had it for about three weeks, then he set it on fire on the side of the highway, and made up a story, an electrical short under the dash caused the fire. Zander did so because it wasn't a car he really liked, and he figured Daddy would get him different one. And Zander figured right. Believing the "under the dash fire" story, Daddy asked his brother Louie to locate another car for Zander. Zander said he would like to have a Porsche, so that's what Louie kept a look out for. Two weeks later, here comes Uncle Louie, driving up to the estate, in a Shiny red 1973 Porshe 911 Carrera.* Louie blows the horn, and when everyone comes outside, he announces, "Here's Zander's car!"
"Oh boy, oh boy!", exclaimed Zander as he was like a cub on Christmas morning. While Zander's dad was paying Louie for the car, Zander hopped in and took off with it. He never thanked Daddy or Uncle Louie. And never asked Louie if he needed a ride home. Zander just sped on down the highway in his new Porsche.
The following year, Zander, then age 17, wanted to get more performance out of that Porsche. Zander had heard some myths about aviation gasoline, and thought he'd like to try it. There was a small municipal airport about 40 minutes drive from the estate. Zander's dad owned a Cessna twin engine plane at the airport, so he knew the fuel attendants there. When Zander explained what he wanted to do, the attendants, both of them bears, tried to talk him out of it, and told him he would ruin the engin. Zander disagreed with them, and insisting for 20 minutes that he heard airplane gas makes a car run better. So how do you argue with a know-it-all? The two bears finally went ahead and let Zander "fill 'er up". As Zander filled the tank, various species of other anthro-animals stood around and gawked at Zander Rat like he must have lost his mind. One of the bears shrugged his shoulders and said, "We tried to tell him".
"Wow! This gas DOES make it run stronger", said Zander as he sped away from the airport on a full tank of aviation fuel. And it did run better. That Porsche went screaming down the highway like it never had before. About 12 kilometers down the highway, Zander heard a "poop-pop" sound come from the engine as he continued speeding along.
"Hmm. Must need a tune up", Zander said to himself.
Then the engine started started more popping, sounding, "rrrrrrrrrr pop rrrr poop rrrrrrrrrrrr poop pop pow rrrr bang rrr pop pop rr pop bang boom pow", as it began blowing thick white smoke out of the exhaust.
Then Zander's Porsche rapidly began loosing power, as it sounded like a string of lit firecrackers going off and would barely run. Finally, it quit running all together. Zander, stranded on the side of the highway, attempted to restart the car, but it would only crank and not fire over. Zander finally ran the battery dead trying to get it started. There were no cell phones in the year 1975. So Zander had to get out and start walking. A binturong in a Volkswagon stopped by and gave Zander a ride to the estate. Zander didn't even thank the binturong. In fact, Zander acted like the binturong owed him that ride.
The mechanic, Charlie Weasel, who's expertise was exotic cars, who tore down the engine to Zander's Porsche, told Zander's dad that every valve in the engine was burnt, two of them burnt down to only a stem, four of the pistons had holes burnt in the tops of them, the cylinder walls scored and an exhaust manifold was cracked from excessive heat. The engine couldn't be rebuilt. It had to be replaced. Daddy went ahead and gave the OK to put a new engine in the car, being that he felt Zander didn't know better about putting aviation fuel in an automobile. Zander questioned why that gas didn't work in a car if it will work in an airplane.
"You see what airplane fuel did to your car don't you?", Charlie Weasel told Zander Rat.
"But what stops it from burning up an airplane?", Zander retorted.
"An airplane is designed for it. A car is not", Charlie tried to tell Zander as Charlie was getting short on patience.
"But then what made it burn up the motor in my car?", Zander continued.
"That doesn't answer my question", said Zander.
"I guess you think you know more than this mechanic does, I suppose", Zander's dad told his son.
"Thank you", Charlie told Zander's dad.
Zander shut his mouth after that.
Four days after the Porsche was repaired, Zander was showing off with it, to his linsang friend, who was riding in the car with him. Zander lost control of the car and crashed it, totaling the car out. Zander busted his nose on the steering wheel and had to be treated at the hospital. And his linsang friend had his parents try to sue Zander's dad by faking an injury.
Zander graduated in Class of 1976. Zander's dad had gotten Hanan IV and Givol expensive brand new cars of their choice as a graduation present back when they had completed school, and Zander was to be no different. Zander's car of choice was a 1976 Ferrari 512, in red.* The day Zander graduated, Daddy pawed the keys to a brand new, 1976, red, Ferrari 512 over to his son Zander. Zander can really burn up the highway with that one. Three months after Zander had the Ferrari, he loaned it to a civet freind who totaled it at high speed, getting himself killed. The civet's parents began filing a law suit against Zander's dad, Hanan III, for the loss of their son, but instead, accepted an out of court settlement for five million pounds, Hanan had offered them. Admitting that five million pounds will not bring their son back, Hanan III offered his condolences toward the Civet Family. The family's attorney advised them that Hanan's generous offer was way more than what they would have walked away with had they followed through with the law suit.
Now that Zander was graduated, Zander's dad taught Zander about the family's real estate business. Hanan Rat the III also showed his son "the ropes" of bidding on tax foreclosed homes, acquiring rental property and how to squeeze the the most money out of tenants.
"This is where the real school begins, Son", Hanan would tell Zander when he taught him those investment secrets to acquiring more wealth, and the dos and don'ts about corporate share holding, and other secrets of how the rich get richer. Those are the secrets that are usually not revealed to just anyone.
Zander had only dysfunctional relationships during his early adult years. Some were marriage, and some were live in, and most turned violent. Out of all his relationships, Zander fathered no offspring.
Early one afternoon, when Zander was 24 years old, he had been caught molesting Chad, a young male Madagascan fossa.
It was Chad Fossa's mom, Nirina, who caught Zander in the act.
"TAKE YOUR PAWS OFF MY SON, YOU HORRIBLE PIECE OF SHIT!", Nirina Fossa screamed as she came running to rescue her son.
"GET OUT OF HERE!", Nirina screamed at Zander as Zander stood there, looking surprised and dumbfounded.
Little Chad Fossa was crying, telling his mom what Zander had done.
"GET OUT OF HERE!", Nirina again screamed at Zander.
"It's not...Uhh. It's", Zander muddled, trying to invent an excuse. "It's not what it looks..."
Nirina picked up a rock and nailed Zander square in the face with it as hard as she can, knocking Zander to the ground. Zander began crawling away, then staggering away, then running away, like Nirina told him twice to do.
As Chad Fossa continued crying, Nirina hugged her son, assuring him the best she could, "Mama's here, my precious baby. Mama's here with you. It's OK, baby. It's OK".
Nirina pick up her son, cradling him as only a loving mother could do, and carried him home.
When Nirina got Chad home, and told her husband, Jhi Fossa, what had happened, Jhi instantly stormed into the bedroom, went into the draw of a nightstand, and got out their 9 milometer pistol.
Nirina had a different idea, and phoned the law, reporting Zander for what he had done.
"Isn't he that looser the Iscelberg Rat family has?" Jhi asked as he was loading rounds into the clip.
"Honey, what are you getting ready to do?" Nirina demanded as Jhi slammed the loaded clip into the clip well.
"What should have been done a long time ago. It's Zander, right?" said Jhi as he cocked a round into the chamber, the pistol making that cold metal "click-click" sound.
"Yes. It's Zander", Nirina repled. "Jhi. Please. Let the authorities take care of him".
"His dad has so much pull, he won't see the first day in jail for it", Jhi retorted, then stormed out to the car, and drove off to hunt down Zander.
Jhi spent the rest of the afternoon looking for Zander Rat. He knew about some of the motley friends Zander hung out with as a teenager, and paid some of them an unpleasant social call. Zander's old time friends cooperated the best they could with Jhi's demands to learn the whereabouts of Zander. After all, Jhi was the was the one carrying the gun. Zander's friends weren't of much any help, so Jhi went to ask some friends of his of they've heard about anything.
A binturong friend gave condolences to Jhi. "I heard about what happened to Chad today. That's a tough break", he said.
"Yeah. My son took it hard too", said Jhi. "If you find out where Zander is, Mussa, how about letting me know, OK?"
"I sure will, Jhi", Mussa promised. "Your boy didn't deserve to go through that".
"Thanks, Mussa. I appreciate it", Jhi said.
"Looks like you got a piece that will do the job alright" Mussa Binturong told Jhi Fossa as he noticed it was a 9 milometer laying on the front seat of Jhi's car.
"It will", replied Jhi. "And you know, Mussa. When I get him, I won't stop with one shot. I'm gona empty the clip on that scum ball".
"Can't say that I blame you", said Mussa.
About an hour later, Jhi thought he might get the nerve to drive out to the Rat Estate, and blast Zander in front of his family if he's there. On his way to the estate, two law enforcement officers pulled Zander over. The bear and shepperd, outfitted with their gun belts and clip on badges (made to fasten to the fur hairs) approached Jhi's car, and the first thing they instructed him to do, was to put his pistol where they can know where it is. They informed Jhi that one of Zander's motley friends, that Jhi talked to earlier, reported that Jhi was out to kill Zander. They didn't arrest Jhi considering the circumstances. But the did give Jhi a warning, and advised him to go home and put his gun back where he usually keeps it. They also told him that Zander had already been hauled away in a straight jacket to an asylum for his sexual assault on Chad...His parent's doing in lieu of him going to jail.
"A nut house", Jhi replied. "A country club for crazies. A slap on the paw, and a little medication. What about my boy?"
"We're sorry, Jhi. It's out of our paws now", the sheppard told him.
The law officers then let Jhi be on his way. And when Jhi returned home and told his wife about what he encountered, she said what Jhi had said.
"A slap on the paw, and some medicine", Nirina replied.
After Zander was committed into the asylum, other young males of various species felt safe to come forward and testify what Zander had also done to them. Since Zander got put away, his victims were no longer afraid to make the truth known. There were so many who came forward, it seemed like young males were coming out of the woodwork, as special victim's officers began piling cub sex crime charges up on Zander.
A sex offender record would stop Zander from pursueing his dream of going to med-school and becoming a doctor, even if he didn't get a death sentence for it, except Zander's dad was good friends with judges, attorneys and other elected officials. And Hanan III was a brother of the prosecutor, Heberen Iscelberg Rat PA, which also meant the prosecutor was Zander's uncle. Daddy Rat saw to it that all criminal charges against his son, Zander, somehow disappeared and mysteriously went away for good, so Zander can attend med-school, thus adding another pervert to the list of medical doctors.
Upon Zander's release from the asylum, Hanan III had to go to the courthouse and post bail to stop his son from being immediately transferred to jail because of the criminal charges on him. Then Hanan had to go from there, to the asylum to pick up his son. Hanan did not choose to have the chauffeur take him in one of the limousines. Hanan drove his vintage 1957 Jaguar XK-SS instead, so the chauffeur would not hear things he had to say in private to his son, on the way home, about the situation.
When Hanan arrived to the asylum, Zander was waiting at the front gate.
"Dad, it's sure good to be out of THAT place. That place is looooney", Zander told his dad as he got into the car. "I see you took one of the Jags. Cool".
Hanan was a bit too angry with Zander to say anything as Zander shut the door and they headed for home.
"They give you some really loopy medicine in that place, I tell you", Zander told his dad, who was in no mood to listen.
A few minutes down the road, Hanan said to Zander, "Son, I believe you are aware there are tensions that have already existed between the general population and families like ours, here in Egypt, since our president was assassinated last year, and all that trouble going on in the Sinai Peninsula...You have been aware of that, haven't you?"
"Well...Eh...Yea, Dad", Zander Replied.
"SO YOU HAD TO GO PULL SOME SHIT LIKE THIS!", Hanan reprimanded his son.
Zander didn't have much of a response to the reprimanding. On their rest of the way home, Hanan told Zander about how he was going to "pull some strings" with the family's politician friends to try to get Zander out of trouble.
After Hanan and Zander arrived home, Zander's brother-in-law, Joseph Finnbecker Rat Sr., showed Zander a newspaper, printed two days after Zander was caught molesting the son of Nirina and Jhi Fossa. It hit Zander like a sack of bricks when he saw the front page headline, in Arabic script, "Iscelberg Rat Family Member Charged With Sexually Attacking Cubs". Under the headlines, centered on the front page, was a large picture of Zander Rat himself, and the half page article had details that many paperback novel publishers wouldn't print. Of course, the names of the victims, being underage cubs, were withheld.
"Oh, by the way, you also made it on television, Zander", Joseph told him as he snatched the newspaper back and stormed away.

It was only a few days after Zander was released from the asylum, he was bought up for arraignment on multiple sex crime charges. Zander and his family, the family related prosecutor, other attorneys, the judge and others of course were in court. The court room was a full house with Zander's victims and and their parents also being there, looking forward to seeing Zander get his just deserts. Everyone stands as it is announced, "The Honorable Judge Silas Opossum presiding". Then everyone is seated,
"This is the arraignment for the case of, The Anthro Animals of the Governorate of Menia vs Zander Iscelberg Rat", Judge Silas Opossum announces, then reading a very long list of sex crime charges on Zander Rat. "Counselor. How does the defendant plead?"
"Not guilty on all counts, Your Honor", replies Zander's attorney as gasping and murmuring can be heard from the parents of the victims through out the court room.
"The court calls the prosecution to present probable cause", says Judge Silas Opossum.
The prosecutor, a grey, circumcised rat (Zander's uncle), replies, "All charges are null pros, Your Honor".
"Zander Iscelberg Rat. All charges are dismissed. You're free to go", said Judge Silas as "clack" goes the gavel.
Through out the court room, there were angry outbursts from victim's parents, as Judge Silas tried to restore order. Special victim's officers, who arrested Zander, looked on, stunned in disbelief. Many victims and their mothers began crying, while Zander and his family were all smiles, congratulating the attorneys, and thanking their corrupt influential friends. When Zander shook paws with his Uncle, Attorney Heberen Rat, the victim's families then knew the arraignment was a rigged rehearsal. "YOU'LL LEAVE THIS COURT ROOM AS A CORPSE, ZANDER!", a victim's dad shouted. "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!", another dad shouted, as the court room quickly became an out of control free-for-all, and Judge Silas clacking the gavel, trying to restore order.
"YOU BETTER SEEK AN UNDERTAKER!", a daddy wolf hollered in Hanan III's face. "YOUR FAMILY'S ABOUT TO NEED ONE!"
"ORDER IN THIS COURT, NOW!", Judge Silas shouted as he repeatedly clacked the gavel.
At that point, the court room was like all Hell had broke loose.
A daddy fox, almost in tears himself, and with court bailiffs trying to hold him off, got up in Zander's face, trying to maul him, and shouted, "A MONSTER LIKE YOU HAS NO RIGHT TO EXIST! I'LL DROP YOU INTO HELL!"
A daddy otter pointed a 6 inch blade, fold up knife in Zander's face, hollering, "I'LL CUT YOU UP YOU SORRY PIECE OF SHIT! I'LL THROW YOUR PIECES IN THE NILE RIVER!"
The knife was confiscated by bailiffs, with some struggle, then the otter family was ordered to leave the court house. The rest of the Rat family were now being threatened. Judge Silas Opossum still could not regain order, as a lesser panda's dad was being arrested for telling Judge Silas he was as good as dead.
Zander and his family finally had to be escorted, under police protection, out to where their chauffeur, Rohj, an oriental palm civet, was waiting with their limousine for them. Law officers had to hold a mob of outraged parents at bay while the Rat family scurried into their limousine. Rohj Civet hurriedly closed the door behind them, and quickly got in behind the wheel. Once the family and chauffeur were in, Zander's dad told Rohj, "ROHJ, GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Rohj floored the accelerator, squalling the limo's tires as they went speeding off. Relatives of the victims hurled rocks at the limo as it sped by, doing sheet metal damage, breaking the windshield and grill, and knocking off a sideview mirror, to what was then, a brand new 1982, high gloss black, Cadillac Fleetwood, stretch limousine.
Zander's mom, Judith, told Rohj, "If they get in the way, run them down! Just - don't - stop!"
Rohj had to turn a street corner around the court house grounds to get to the highway. As the limo sped around the corner, more victim's relatives hurled rocks, knocking off a wheel cover, puncturing the A/C condenser, and busting out a rear door glass. As Rohj Civet floored it out of the turn, heading for the highway, a daddy merekat, who's son was temporarily crippled from a sexual injury by Zander, flung a tire iron into the path of the speeding limo, meant to come through the windshield and take Rohj out, but smashing out a headlight instead. The tire iron flew up over the roof of the limo, and went bouncing and clanging down the street, along with broken headlight glass, as the battered limo sped away. The meerkat's brother emptied the clip of a 38 caliber pistol at the fleeing limo, as he stood in the street, managing to shoot a hole in the trunk lid, dinging the bumper in two places and shooting out the left tail light.
Relatives of the victims got into their cars and took off, chasing after the Rat family limousine.
"HANAN, HANAN! THEY'RE COMING AFTER US! DO SOMETHING!", Judith exclaimed in panic as she saw the cars speeding up the street behind them.
"What CAN I do, Judith?!", Hanan retorted, then told Rohj, "Rohj! You really need to step on it! We're being chased!"
When the limo got to the main highway leading out of town, Rohj swung the corner wide and fast, without stopping, with the wheels screeching and the limo starting to swing out sideways. After straightening the limo back out of the slide, Rohj Civet punched it to the floor, rapidly wide open accelerating as hard as it can go, as the limo's 368 cubic inch engine roared up to high RPMs before each gear shift change from the transmission. In only a few minutes, they were out of town, speeding down open Egyptian desert highway. The chase reached speeds to well over 160 kilometers per hour, as Rohj tried to loose them, and having to watch the highway through a cracked up windshield.
"Just keep it wide open, Rohj!", Hanan III told him. "Don't slow down! Keep the accelerator to the floor".
Older brother Hanan IV was able to get through on the limo's mobile phone and call for help...There were no cell phones in 1982.
By now, a slight vibration could be felt coming from a front tire.
"Rohj! Some of them are gaining on us! Can't you go faster?!", sister Givol pleaded.
"210 kilometers per hour is all I can get out of it!", Rohj retorted. "I'm holding it wide open now! It won't go any faster!" (Not being a model for U.S. use, the limo's speedometer read way beyond 85 mph, but in kph).
After about a few seconds, Rohj could hear Hanan IV tell his younger brother, Zander, "Thanks a lot for all of this, Shit Head...I hope you're happy".
Further down the highway, the Rat Family and Rohj noticed a couple of those in pursuit had to give up the chase, because their cars had boiled over with their engines overheated. But it wasn't long before a Volvo, driven by a binturong, who's nephew was one of Zander's victims, had caught up to the back of the limo. The binturong started repeatedly clacking bumpers with the limo, slightly steering side to side, trying to throw the limo out of control. But the Volvo wasn't heavy enough, on it's first try, to run a full size, western built stretch limousine off the highway.
"Damn it! That binturong back there is trying to wreck us!", said Hanan III as everyone could feel the bumping and swaying.
"I can feel the rear end swaying", Rhoj replied as he worked at trying keeping the limo straight.
It really started getting scarey when the tires of both vehicles could be heard chirping against the pavement at 210 kilometers per hour. And by now, the big, heavy limo started a rocking motion, and drifting all over the highway, making it even more difficult for Rohj to maintain control of the vehicle as he began to loose feel of the road.
"That son of a bitch is crazy!", Hanan retorted.
"It feels like I'm driving on ice! This limousine is starting to get away from me!" Rohj told Hanan as they were still speeding down the highway at 210 kph. "What do you what me to do?!".
"I don't know!", Hanan frantically answered, then after pausing a moment, said, "ROHJ! When he backs off for another hit, slam the brakes on him! I don't give a damn about the back of the limo!"
As soon as the Volvo back off for another hit, Rohj locked the limo's brakes for a second, causing the Volvo to smash against the back of the limo. The binturong then dropped his car back 30 meters. That's when Rohj slammed the brakes as hard as he can, all four tires smoking and screaming against the pavement, until the Volvo crashed into the rear of the limo, caving the Volvo's radiator into it's fan and engine, and smashing it's left front fender, into the left front wheel. The moment the binturong released the brakes, his car went spinning out of control with a front wheel locked up, tires smoking against the pavement, still at over 150 kph, then flipped over. As Rohj again floored the accelerator to flee the remaining cars, the Rat Family saw, from the limo's rear window, the Volvo rolling over and over and over, with glass, chrome and contents sprawling all over the highway and the Volvo's hood flying off. Judith and Givol gasped when everyone watched, in dismay, it's driver get ejected then hitting the pavement and tumbling down the highway like a rag doll, as other cars swerved almost out of control at high speed, barely avoiding running him over.
"I knew someone was going to get hurt before this was over with!", Givol exclaimed.
Rohj himself witnessed glimpses of the roll over in the remaining side view mirror that wasn't knocked off by the rock pelting.
As Rohj got the limo speeding down the highway back up to 210 kph, members of the Rat Family watched the overturned Volvo fade out of sight, as they left it far behind, along with it's badly hurt driver laying on the highway, clinging to life in a cloud of coolant steam and tire smoke.
Several of those, who were chasing the limo, stopped to assist the injured binturong, and a few of them headed back to the city, speeding off to get help. Of those who decided to resumed the chase, it wasn't long before a couple of them began to gain on the limo, just as the binturong in the Volvo had done minutes earlier.
"That's all WE need", Rohj murmured.
"What is it, Rohj?", Hanan asked.
"We're not going to be going much longer. The engine is starting to run hot", Rohj explained to Hanan as he briefly pointed to the temperature light, lit up on the limo's instrument panel.
"I just don't know what we're going to do, Rohj", Hanan replied, trying to maintain a calm composure the best he could. "Let's slow down some. That might help. If the rest of them get too close, slam the brakes on them like you did the binturong".
Rohj slowed the limo down to 155 kph as Hanan instructed him to do, but it didn't do any good. Within a few minutes, steam could be seen blowing out from under the hood as everyone could smell the odor of boiling coolant. By now, the pursuing cars had gained close behind the Rat Family limousine, with their drivers waiting for the limo to inevitably quit running.
It was about that time, police finally caught up and pulled everyone over, putting a stop to the chase. And not a moment too soon. In addition to the limo being on the verge of boiling over and burning up the engine, one of the limo's front tires was on it's way to going flat from picking up a piece of broken glass from the headlight the meerkat flung the tire iron into. Before the chase was stopped, the vibration that was felt in the limo was from "standing waves" on the deflating tire. The tire was already showing tread separation and could have blown at any time. And at 210 kph (125 mph), it would have been beyond Rohj Civet's ability to keep the vehicle under control...Not a pretty price to pay for a family member who can't respect the decent integrity of little cubs.
As Rohj prepared to change the punctured tire, the Rat Family got out of the limousine and had their first real look at the damage done to it. Rohj had to borrow a tire iron from one of the law enforcement officers to pry open the limo's smashed trunk lid from where the Volvo rammed it, before he could get to the spare and jack.
"I'm glad I thought of taking this one instead of the Rolls, "Daddy Hanan said, referring to their 1981 Rolls Royce ultra stretch.
"It looks terrible! It's just awful, Hanan dear! What kind of bums would want to do this to one of our cars?", Judith carried on.
"Yea Yea Yea, Judith. I know", Hanan told his wife in a tone showing he was being annoyed by her, and then asked a law enforcement officer how badly did the binturong get hurt who was thrown from his car.
The officer told Hanan, "I heard on our radio it's not good. He has some broken bones, and it looks like he may have internal injuries. They said he's barely conscious. We have an ambulance on the way to..."
"...SHIT FOR BRAIN PERVERT!", brother Hanan IV hollered out as he repeatedly rammed Zander's face into one of the limo's quarter panel roof supports hard enough to slightly dent it. "YOU'LL GET US ALL KILLED!"
"HANAN! THAT'S ENOUGH!", Daddy Hanan Rat III called to his first son. "That's not doing any good".
"Doesn't do any harm either", brother Hanan IV told his dad as he turned loose of Zander.
Zander, looking stupid, and walking in circles, just held his paws on his bleeding nose, going, "Ooo ouh ooo ouh ooo ouh ooo ouh ooo ouh", sounding like someone with a nose plugged up.
Everyone looked upon Zander with disdain, including his own family. Even Rohj gave a look, and briefly shook his head, as if to say, "How pathetic".
After Rohj Civet got the flat changed, police provided the Rat Family escort protection to their home. It had been a scarey and surreal experience to both family and chauffeur.
The following morning, Rohj Civet, out of concern for his own life because of the danger Zander put the family in, turned in his resignation and quit. Rohj and Hanan had already seen that morning's newspaper showing a picture of the wrecked Volvo, with paramedics tending to it's injured driver in the background.
"I'm going to be on the level with you, Hanan. I can no longer feel safe working here for you anymore", Rohj said to Zander's dad. "And truthfully, if it were one of my boys your son got a hold of, I would not have been driving your limousine yesterday. This black footed palm civet would have been throwing rocks with the rest of them".
Hanan replied, "Rohj, I hate to loose you. You've been the best chauffeur I've had. And I'm truly sorry you were put through this".
Hanan made it up to Rohj by giving him a 5,000 pound severance payment, which was chump change to Hanan and family. And Hanan promised Rohj he would give Rohj a good reference when he looked for another job.
Rohj had been becoming prosperous by making use of the investment and corporate sharing knowledge Hanan III had taught him over the years. Those were secrets to financial wealth that Hanan's family doesn't share with just anyone. Many years ago, Rohj Civet was a homeless beggar who Hanan and family felt pity for and took him in. Rohj was faithful and loyal to the Rat Family, and Hanan III shared knowledge and "status quo secrets" with Rohj about acquiring financial wealth...That is provided Rohj gave his word not to share those secrets with those of middle and low income.
A gardener and two house servants also quit. One of the servants who quit, Gloria, a lemur, told Zander's dad when she picked up her last paycheck, "You do know, Hanan, your son fix it so this is now a dangerous place to work...You know that don't you?"
Hanan could only agree with her.
Zander had to leave the country for his own safety if he was to remain alive. The Egyptian Judicial System arranged to have Zander immigrate to Southern India under a special protection program agreed to by both countries. Zander settled in Salem, in the Indian State of Tamil Nadu.
After Zander had left for India, parents of Zander's molested victims were constantly showing up at the Rat Estate, demanding to know the whereabouts of Zander.
But Zander's family would only give answers such as, "None of your business! And leave us alone!", or, "Get off our property or we'll have you arrested!", or, "You have no business here! I think you better leave".
But Zander's family didn't say those things to Jhi Fossa, who showed up one morning, wheeling that 9 milometer pistol, demanding answers. And it was full clip locked and loaded with safety off too. The Rat family and house servants went diving under furniture, females screaming, and some running through the mansion for cover, instead of mouthing off at Jhi. Jhi Fossa fled the Rat Estate when he heard one of the family members, in a locked room, on the phone, frantically calling the law for help. After that incident, Zander's dad hired armed security to protect the family and the estate, and had construction started on a security wall around much of the acreage that surrounds the mansion, with all entrances key code accessible only, plus the installation of security cameras.
Jhi Fossa had contemplated purchasing a 300 H & H mag, high powered rifle, with a scope, to pick off the Rat Family and security guards at a distance from the Rat Estate. But Jhi thought it over, how Nirina would loose her husband, and Chad would loose his dad, if one of those guards shot back and killed Jhi, or if Jhi got life in prison or the death penalty for it. And there was also the risk of sparking off a family war against the powerfully wealthy and influential, dragging Jhi's loved ones into a living nightmare, with Jhi gone. So Jhi Fossa never followed through with that idea. Being with his family meant more to him than the satisfaction of revenge. Jhi figured God will someday punish Zander, Zander's dad, their corrupt politician frei=iends and others for what they've done.
It was in India, Zander at attended med-school and became a doctor. Now Zander can pull almost the same crap in India as he pulled in Egypt, but under the cloak of immunity by being a medical doctor.
What eternal soul in it's right mind would want stand before God, in Zander Rat's foot prints?
After 31 years, If Jhi Fossa (now age 62) ever found Zander, Jhi still would not hesitate to kill him.
Jhi's molested son, Chad (now age 39), still attends therapy to this day. Chad became suicidal at age 17, forcing Jhi and his wife, Nirina, to mortgage their home to pay for their son, Chad's, psychiatrist bills, because of Chad's bad experience, at age 8, with Zander Rat. And that's only one example of the families who's lives were turned up side down by Zander Rat.
Many anthro animal families, including Zander's own family who lived in fear of retaliation, suffered hardship, intense drama and bad experiences, with members of a few families turning to alcohol abuse, in the wake of Zander's sick fetish.
And in 2013, Dr. Zander Iscelberg Rat, under the cloak of being a medical doctor, still has not repented from his perverted ways. Almost dying in a courtroom in 1982, followed by a car chase almost turning deadly, has not taught him anything...Not to mention an angry daddy Madagascan fossa, who hunted Zander down with a 9 milometer pistol, and would still kill Zander if he could find him.
And recently, a meerkat couple, Zhang and Annika, had to protect their son, Raphael, from Zander Rat's destructively lustful fetish for cub penises, which would have rendered Raphael's most personal, private and secret part of his genital, perpetually unconcealed against Raphael's will. Zhang had to come close to killing Dr. Rat to keep his meat hooks off of little Raphael's bottom. But everything still worked out good for the Meekat Family.

*There were some underprivileged meerkats, who were living in Angola, at the time they were doing without reliable vihicles, who would have appreciated having those cars Zander Rat tore up as a teenager.


ZHANG AND ANNIKA like a lot of foreplay, and they get it every night and then some, except when Zhang is out on a long haul run with his job as an assistant locomotive operator. But when Zhang returns home from a long train run, he and Annika have sex like there's no tommorrow. And they really get it on good.
As for genital details, Annika's pussy is the wet and oily type, not too tight, but firm.
Zhang's penis head has more of a drawn out "long taper" look than what's average for a male meerkat. The sheath is slightly long, and the scrotem is average. Zhang's penis has only a modest amount of oil and semegma production. In the sexual relationship, it is Annika's genital that brings most of the oil to the table.

RAPHAEL...His parents wish to keep that confidential until Raphael is an adult.

DR. ZANDER ISCELBERG RAT MD has a typical rat / rodent penis. Like all other males in his family, Zander is circumcised...so short in fact, the head is longer than what is left to the rest of the penis. Zander just about has to take sandpaper to it to feel an orgy (Dead Dick Zander). Zander is a rat with a really messed up dick.
Back during the time of Zander's disfunctional marrage and live-in relationships, he never fathered any offspring (Thank God. They are better off never being conceived). Presently, Zander does not have much of a sex life, except to rarely see prostitutes, who pull away before Zander can climax (takes almost forever), then demand more money from him. Zander Rat's pathetic excuse for a sex life also includes cub porno sites, stalking cubs in the parks and on playgrounds when mom and dad aren't watching, hanging out down the street from elementry schools at 3:00 in the afternoon, loitering in public restrooms, and getting off on the dicks he does forced circumcisions on. Zander is one chronically sick rat...Someone you'ld like to throw under the bus...It's a wonder he's even still alive today.

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